Document 1865 DOCN M94A1865 TI Structure and process evaluation of AIDS prevention and control program in Guadalajara, Mexico. DT 9412 AU Campos-Lopez P; Canales JL; Lopez FC; Sierra JJ; Vazquez-Valls E; Western Biomed. Research Center, IMSS., University of; Guadalajara, Mexico. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):433 (abstract no. PD0339). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370710 AB OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the structure and process of the educative activities in the prevention and control program on AIDS. METHODS: In Guadalajara, city with the highest rate of AIDS cases in Mexico we conducted a research on the Governmental (GP) and Non Governmental (NGP) programs, throught documental revision of AIDS Prevention and Control programs of each studied organizations, a conducted interview with the program's personnel and direct observation of the process in education activities, in search of the next quali-quantitative variables: I-Structure: Contextual and Programming Controlling elements (economic, policy, social, demographic, epidemiologyc). Functional Strategies (policies, objectives, goals). Organizational aspects (Organization, Direction and Control program as major elements). Program's personnel knowledge on organizational aspects. II-Process: Trainers (Training and motivation, educational methods and technics, knowlwedge about code language, sesion work and self evaluation). Group in process (Place work, size group, motivation and participative attitude). The rates obtained in both groups were compared with the same rates found in the Health National Program and AIDS National Program of CONASIDA, Mexico. RESULTS: The NGP demonstrated were more efficients in resources application. Training of GP and NGP educational personnel were insufficient or limited. There were not agreement between priorities and objectives with the resources application, specially a predominance of care activities on prevention/education ones. CONCLUSION: We obtained several rates of effectiveness, efficacy and efficiency of the programs, their integration as evaluation instrument for its systemathic use, is a very important contribution for the Public Health Administration and Prevention's Policies-maker decision, for our development country. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PREVENTION & CONTROL *Health Education Human Mexico Program Evaluation MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).